CHM Undergrads - Writing Resources

Writing resources for undergraduates.

Be sure to check the Canvas assignment for instructions and rubrics. Information about the semester project, peer review, and ChatGPT guidelines can be found here: Semester Project, Peer Review, ChatGPT Guidelines

Example Papers

These papers are provided as examples to be used by both supervisors and undergraduates working for research credit. They reflect the structure, topics, and overall quality that are expected for the papers that research credit undergrads will produce each semester. Note that these papers are from over a decade ago. Their topics and citations are both far out of date from a scientific standpoint. They should be viewed as inspirational examples, and nothing more. They should not be used as the basis for a current paper or copied from in any sense.

Keywordsug undergraduate writing paper project guide   Doc ID135779
OwnerJane L.GroupCenter for Healthy Minds
Created2024-02-29 19:34:24Updated2024-04-19 10:25:28
SitesCenter for Healthy Minds
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