Web Hosting - Secure FTP Publishing

Below you will find information about configuring your client for Secure FTP publishing with DoIT Shared Hosting.

Please Note: Secure FTP access is restricted. If you are using an off-campus IP# or UW Wireless, please connect to the Virtual Private Network first.


There are three items required to make a Secure FTP connection:

  1. Secure FTP Hostname: This is the domain name of the site to which you are connecting.

    For Example: mysite.wisc.edu

  2. User ID: This is previously supplied to contacts via email and can be managed in the Control Panel.
  3. Password: This is supplied to contacts and can be managed in the Control Panel.

If you are asked for a port number make sure it is port 22 (Regular FTP is port 21 and is not secure and unsupported).

Accounts will be locked after 10 unsuccessful login attempts. If you're having trouble connecting via Secure FTP, please fill out the short SFTP troubleshooting form.

For more information about Secure FTP, please use the DoIT Web Hosting KnowledgeBase.

NOTE: It is possible to establish multiple secondary Secure FTP logins.  To request additional Secure FTP login(s), email webhosting@doit.wisc.edu with a brief explanation of functionality and access requirements.

Keywordssftp, publish, secure ftp, Dreamweaver, Secure FX, Filezilla, Fugu, WebDrive, Expandrive, webdrive, transfer, files, SSH, password   Doc ID28995
OwnerJake S.GroupDoIT Web Hosting
Created2013-03-07 15:39:11Updated2024-05-06 12:49:15
SitesDoIT Web Hosting
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