L&S Letter Templates for Academic Staff, University Staff, TE and LI Appointments

This document contains letter templates for non-instructional or renewable academic staff, university staff, temporary employee (TE) and limited appointees (LI).

Please use the templates below to create a draft letter and send to your HR Business Partner for review.  A final letter will be prepared and sent to you for the employee and p-file. If an open recruitment was conducted, the offer letter will be sent to the applicant in TREMS.  That process will be managed by your HR Business Partner.

For short-term staff letter templates, please see the following Gateway page: L&S Letter Templates for Short-Term Staff 

For post degree training, please see the following Gateway page: L&S Post Degree Training


Common Offer Letter Templates

Academic Staff Offer Letters

University Staff Offer Letters

Limited Appointee Offer Letters

Post Degree Training Letters

Please find our L&S Post Degree Training letters at https://kb.wisc.edu/ls/27491

Rehired Annuitant Offer Letters

Appointment Change Letters

Offer Letter Attachments

* Salary Conversion Table

**Payroll Toolkit - includes Funding Layout Assistance Tool (FLOAT)

For questions on these letter templates please contact your HR Business Partner.


Last updated 5.26.2023

23210, 120566, draft offer appointment letter letters template, FTE percent change, rehired annuitant, zero dollar honorary fellow, extension, offer letter attachment, float, benefits summary, salary conversion calculator 
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Jana K. in L&S KB