List Library - Message Deduplication

This document describes how Microsoft/Office 365 handles duplicate messages.


  1. Mary creates a message and addresses it to and The message goes to both lists. If Bob is on both email lists, he will get the message once. M365 recognizes it's a single message and only displays one of them.
  2. Mary creates a message and addresses it to, waits 5 minutes, and then sends it to The message goes to both lists. If Bob is on both email lists, he will get the message twice. M365 recognizes it as two distinct messages and displays both of them.

Keywordsemail best practices list library apr myuw my uw uwofficial official   Doc ID72410
OwnerJosh O.GroupUW Google Apps
Created2017-04-07 13:39:08Updated2023-03-20 08:36:52
SitesGoogle Apps
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