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WiscWeb - Using RSS Feeds for PubMed Publications

Though the UW Publications plugin does not allow the ability to import publications from PubMed, the RSS feed functionality within the UW Theme is a suitable replacement. This document will show you how to find and input the appropriate elements to make it work.

In this document:


Many faculty and staff members of the University of Wisconsin-Madison use different means of listing their published items. One such way is through PubMed, and the WiscWeb service has a workaround to be able to embed items from a PubMed feed into a UW Theme text area. Please be aware that the WiscWeb service cannot guarantee the accuracy of the listings at PubMed.

Finding the PubMed RSS Feed

Your first step in this process is to find the appropriate list of publications for a particular individual.

  1. Either go directly to a specific publication of a person, or navigate to PubMed at

  2. Within the article, click on the name of the individual you want to do a broader search for.

    Linked name that leads to refined search of an individual's publications

  3. You will be brought to a list of publications associated with the individual that you clicked on. At the top of the page, click on the Create RSS link.

    Link to create RSS feed of individual's PubMed listing

  4. Give the feed that you are creating a name, as well as the number of items to display. Once those are set, click the Create RSS button.

  5. Once it's been created, you'll want to leave this browser window open as you'll need this URL to paste into the RSS feed code used on a WiscWeb page later.

    PubMed RSS Feed created

Adding the RSS Feed to a Page

Before proceeding, you will need the RSS embed shortcode found here: WiscWeb - Embedding RSS feeds

The RSS embed code that you will need to use is:

[uw-rss-feed url="" title="Title of RSS Feed" description="Description of RSS Feed" more-link="" max-posts="x"]

Using the RSS embed shortcode with this example, your Text Area should look similar to this code:

[uw-rss-feed url="" title="AJ Romanowsky Publications" description="PubMed listing of publications by AJ Romanowsky" more-link="" max-posts="5"]

Once your feed is placed, and you have clicked Update to commit your changes, view your page and you should see that your listing is now present. Please note that the max-posts option has a maximum value of 15.

Image preview of RSS feed placed on page

Keywordspub, faculty, published, journals, articlesDoc ID109340
OwnerMatt G.GroupWiscWeb
Created2021-02-24 09:43:53Updated2023-05-12 15:52:17
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb
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