WiscWeb - Embed a REDCap form

The following document will walk a user through how to embed REDCap forms into a WiscWeb site.

Embedding a REDCap form in a page

  1. Copy the URL for your REDCap form
  2. Paste the URL into the source code for a Text Block

    A web address for REDCap technology

  3. Publish your WiscWeb page

    Web address for REDCap shown within a Text Block in the UW Theme

Accessibility and usability barriers

An accessibility evaluation was provisioned for REDCap on 11/29/23: REDCap Accessibility Accessibility and Usability Information

There were no major barriers observed in initial testing, but every form will be slightly different.

Barriers observed

  • The labels in REDCap forms are not correctly associated with their corresponding fields. This can cause navigation barriers for people who use assistive technology.

  • If the user submits a REDCap form without responding to required fields, a popup alerts them of the missing fields. For a screen reader user, their focus starts on the Okay button, and they must navigate backwards to find information.

  • The standard font size for REDCap forms is small and has low readability. Change to extra large, if possible. The font should be at least 16 pixels (12 pt).

  • Forms appear to rely heavily on ARIA tagging for things like associating labels with fields and forcing the tab order. It’s generally recommended to use ARIA tagging sparingly and not as the framework of a page. The ARIA Authoring Practices Guide: Read Me First page explains some of the ways that a heavy use of ARIA tagging can negatively impact the accessibility of a page.

Recommended actions

  • If possible, increase font size for forms to 12pt/16px to enhance readability.

  • Add a statement somewhere in the form that notes how to get in touch with your team if an accessibility issue is found.

KeywordsREDCap, form, forms, managing, data, collection, management, survey, research studiesDoc ID133768
OwnerJenna K.GroupWiscWeb
Created2024-01-02 10:45:54Updated2024-09-06 15:14:32
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