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WiscWeb - Alternating Content Boxes Page Element

This document will walk you through adding Alternating Content Boxes to your page in the WordPress UW Theme. An example can be found on the UW Theme website.

Purpose and use

Alternating Content Boxes create preformatted content boxes that fill the width of a One Column Content Layout. Each box has a left and a right side and are split evenly in width. This content is useful in organizing your site and marketing experiences to your users. Each box can have a description and an accompanying image to showcase the content.  It’s pre-formatted so that it displays logically on desktops and mobile devices, making it easy to navigate and understand.

The Alternating Content Boxes are only available in the One Column Content Layout. The space, text, and images required would not translate to the smaller two and three column layouts. Images should be at least 900x600 pixels to ensure consistent display. Images larger or smaller than 900x600 pixels will be automatically fitted to content area and may result in poor quality.

Alternating content blocks example

Adding Alternating Content Boxes to a Page

  1. Navigate to the page on which you want to add an Alternating Content Boxes.

  2. Scroll to the Primary Content Area and the Layout on which you want to add the Alternating Content Boxes.

  3. At the bottom of the Layout, click on Add Page Element.

  4. On the Page Element list, click on Alternating Content Boxes.

Adding Content to your Alternating Content Boxes

  1. After you've added the Alternating Content Boxes, you will have the option to add a Headline. This will appear at the top of the Alternating Content Boxes block. 

  2. To add a new content box, click on Add New Content Box.

  3. Each content box has the following options:

    • Headline: Appears at the top of the text portion of the content box. In the image at the top of the page, these appear in red as Area Headline 1, 2, and 3.

    • Text: You can add up to 250 characters of text that will appear below the headline. In the image at the top of the page, these appear as area 1, 2, and 3 text

    • Use Predefined Menu?: Allows you to add a menu to your content area. The menu will appear as a series of links. In the image above, the link to UW Home in the second content box is a menu. To setup a menu, see WiscWeb - Creating and Editing a Menu

    • Links Group: Allows you to add a group of links beneath the text area. For each link, click the Add Link button. A new row will be added to the link list. Choose from the drop down Internal or External, then add the text you want to appear for the link then type the URL (if external) or select the page to link to (if internal). In the image above, the links below "area 1 text" have been added.

    • Image: This allows you to add an image that will appear on the right (odd numbered content boxes) or left (even numbered content boxes). In the image above, the first two content boxes have images.

Recommended Image Sizing

The following image size is recommended for this page element: 900px by 600px

picture image table alternating content boxes images media
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Matt G. in WiscWeb
DoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb