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Topics Map > Permissions

WiscWeb - Updating user permissions

This document will describe how to update a user's access to your site in WiscWeb.

Please note: You must be an Administrator to update user permissions on your site.


There are times when users added to a site need to have their role updated to allow or remove access to more functions within a WordPress and WiscWeb site. For example, only Administrators can use/access plugins such as The Events Calendar and wpDataTables.

Updating a user's role

Please use the following steps to update a user's permissions:

  1. Access the Dashboard for your site
  2. Click on Users to access your list of users
  3. Select the User you wish to update by checking the box next to their name
  4. Click on the arrows in the Box that says "Change role to..."
  5. Select the role for this user
  6. Click Change

Use the following document for further detail regarding user roles: 

WiscWeb - Understanding User Roles 

Keywordspermissions, access, add, administrator, editor, subscriber, contributor, author, role, pluginsDoc ID71182
OwnerMatt G.GroupWiscWeb
Created2017-03-01 11:31:09Updated2023-10-06 13:32:14
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb
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