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WiscWeb - Auto Scaling of images with "-scaled" file name

This document will discuss WordPress behavior involving the auto-scaling of images in the Media Library.

WordPress 5.3 update

In version 5.3, WordPress rolled out a change to the behavior of the Media Library such that images larger than a certain size will be automatically scaled upon upload. WordPress can now detect when an image exceeds the maximum recommended web-optimized size and will scale the file down and append "-scaled" to the file name.  

More information on this change can be found on the website.

 Issues with auto-scaling

Auto-scaling of images can result in lower image resolutions. 

It will also rename your file name by appending "-scaled" before the file extension. (Example: filename-scaled.jpg)

File information for scaled image

 How to avoid auto-scaling

The best way to avoid auto-scaling is to resize your image outside of WordPress, prior to uploading it to the Media Library. It is recommended that a user use a program like Photoshop to accomplish this. This can also help with appropriately sizing images to the page elements you're planning to use them in.

  Additional Resources

Keywordsscale, scaling, scaled, images, wordpress, resize, media library, -scaledDoc ID97256
OwnerJenna K.GroupWiscWeb
Created2020-01-22 15:20:59Updated2024-02-01 14:57:54
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb
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