Topics Map > Embeds and Integrations

WiscWeb - Embedding from Airtable

This document offers basic level instructions for embedding Airtable tools into your WiscWeb website.
Please note: This tool and the related embed are not recommended as Airtable has several known accessibility barriers.


Step 1: Locate "share" URL

There are multiple displays available for creation in Airtable. Therefore, we recommend reviewing their documentation on how to find the "share" URL for your tool.

Airtable Documentation on Locating Share URL

Once you find the "share" URL, copy it (you will be pasting it in the next step).

Step 2: Add URL to text block

Once you've located and copied your "share" URL, simply paste that into a Text Block on your site.

Screenshot of Text Block in WiscWeb that is depicting an Airtable URL

Accessibility and usability barriers

An accessibility evaluation was provisioned for Airtable on 3/13/24: Airtable Accessibility and Usability Information.

There were several high priority barriers identified within this evaluation. There are no known workarounds at this time. For these reasons, we strongly advise against using this tool within WiscWeb. 

If you are already using Airtable, our formal recommendation is to discontinue use. If this is not possible, we suggest moving high visibility/high priority data to an alternative solution.  

KeywordsAirtable, automations, interface designer, social mediaDoc ID120370
OwnerJenna K.GroupWiscWeb
Created2022-08-08 16:39:57Updated2024-03-18 17:41:46
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb
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