Topics Map > UW Theme Functionality

WiscWeb - Shortcode list

This is a list of the known shortcodes that are available for the UW Theme.
  1. [uw-search-input]
    1. Allows you to place a search box in a text block of your site. It will utilize whichever search you have set in the Customizer of your project (native WordPress search or Google Custom Search).
    2. Please note that if you do not have any search set in the Customizer, this will not work.

  2. [uwmadison_social]
    1. This will place a list of your social media links in a text block. It will pull from the ones you have listed in the footer of your site via the Customizer.
    2. This is not customizable. It will show all of the icons you have listed in the footer.
    3. Please note that there will be a little padding to the left of your icon set. This cannot be removed.

  3. [uwmadison_contact]
    1. Similar to the social shortcode, this will place the contact information that you have listed in the footer into a text block. This is drawn from the info you have added to the Customizer.
    2. This will pull all contact information from the Customizer including campus address, map links, contact email, and contact phone number.
    3. Please note that this will be slightly indented from the left.

  4. [uw-rss-feed]
    1. Pull news content into your site from any RSS feed URL.
    2. The only required parameter is the URL: [uw-rss-feed url="addurlhere"]
    3. Other parameter options include listing a title, a description, setting maximum number of posts, and adding a "more" link URL.
    4. Usage: [uw-rss-feed url="" title="Example Title" description="Example description." more-link="" max-posts="10"]

  5. [back-to-top]
    1. This shortcode will allow you to add a link in a text area that jumps a user up to #main. It will bring the screen up to the top of the content area.

  6. [uw-publications] 
    1. This shortcode can be used to place a publications list on your page (please note that additional steps are required: WiscWeb - Displaying publications on a faculty/staff page

Keywordsplugins, customize, options, back-to-top, social, icons, search, contact, rss, events, back to top, publication, reusable contentDoc ID80114
OwnerJenna K.GroupWiscWeb
Created2018-02-14 12:04:13Updated2024-09-06 11:56:00
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb
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