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EPMBA - Knowing the Hardware
The following articles are intended to make you familiar with your tablet device as well as other accessories included.
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Knowing the Hardware:
Getting familiar with the parts of your device will help you to use it more effectively. This page will give you basic information about each device and its component, beginning this familiarization process.

Surface Pro and its Components:

Note: The MiniDisplayPort will allow you to connect your tablet to bigger computer monitors, LCDs and projectors. With the right adapter, this will be the connector you need to use to connect to the WSB classroom projectors and LCDs in breakout rooms. We recommend that you purchase your own mini DisplayPort adapter for these applications.
The Surface charger:

The Surface Pen:

Set up:
- Swipe in from right-hand edge
- Click on action center and choose All Settings --> PC and devices --> Bluetooth
- Hold down the top button of pen/ pen will appear in list of Bluetooth devices
- Tap this device and click Pair
Surface Pen Tips:
Different Mechanisms:- Open OneNote (OneNote needs to be set up beforehand)
- Click top of pen once
- Access Cortana (Cortana needs to be set up beforehand)
- Hold top down
- Hold top down
- Take a screenshot and send to OneNote
- Click top of pen twice
- Options for customizing Pen are in Settings --> Devices
More Hardware Information: