EPMBA - Sharing files in OneDrive
The following articles are intended to help you share files for collaboration.
Sharing files in OneDrive for collaboration on your Surface Pro:
Sharing Microsoft Word documents
- Click on the share button in the upper right hand corner.
- Enter the email of the recipient you would like to share it with.
- Choose whether you would like them to edit the document or view it.
- This document can be found in the "Shared with me" folder of the recipient's OneDrive online.
This video demonstrated the above steps on sharing Word documents:
- Click on the share button in the upper right hand corner.
- Enter the email of the recipient you would like to share it with and choose whether you would like them to edit the document or view it.
- This document can be found in the "Shared with me" folder of the recipient's OneDrive online.
- Click on the share button in the upper right hand corner.
- Enter the email of the recipient you would like to share it with.
- Choose whether you would like them to edit the document or view it.
- This notebook can be found in the "Shared with me" folder of the recipient's OneDrive.
Note: You can also share a notebook in OneNote 2016. Check Sharing OneNote Notebooks for more instructions.