This page will help you install the offered VPN, GLobalProtect.
Downloading the GlobalProtect Client (Mac)

Installing the GlobalProtect Client (Mac)

1.       Open the downloaded file. Proceed through the installation process, you will need to click continue, then continue, then install.


2.      Some users will be prompted with a message saying "System Extension Blocked." In this case, select Open Security Preferences then select Allow in the following window. 


3.  If you are prompted for your password, type it in. It will look like the image below once you have typed in your password. Then select install software.



Connecting with the GlobalProtect client

1.       Open the GlobalProtect client.

        •     Mac OS X: Select the Spotlight in the top right corner or press the Command and Space bar at the same time and type GlobalProtect.


2.     The VPN Client will start.
      • Type the following information below into relevant fields:
1.  Portaluwmadison.vpn.wisc.edu
2.  UsernameNetID
3.  PasswordNetID password
Sign In


Note that it you use both WiscVPN and departmental VPN, only your most recent VPN connection will be remembered in the portal field for future connections.

  3.  Sign in and press Connect.

Disconnecting from GlobalProtect

1.  Opening GlobalProtect:
    • On Mac, click on the GlobalProtect icon in the top toolbar. It will look like a picture of the earth.
2.  Choose Disconnect.
3.  You are now disconnected from GlobalProtect
EMBA Ending

KeywordsATW, EEPMBA, Surface Executive, VPN, EMBA, EEMBA   Doc ID79734
OwnerDoug E.GroupWisconsin School of Business
Created2018-01-29 19:09:30Updated2024-07-31 20:04:50
SitesWisconsin School of Business
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