WiscWeb - Google Group List Options

WiscWeb uses a Google Group mailing list for service notifications. We encourage you to join this group to keep informed of important updates. Users can manage their own Google Group subscriptions following these steps.

In this document:


The WiscWeb service uses a Google Group to manage our communications to users of the service. This group allows us to update users of important service notices, outages, and training / informational opportunities.

Important information: All administrators and editors of the WiscWeb service are automatically added to the Google Group for communications. If you do not wish to receive updates from the service, you can update your settings listed below. However if you remove yourself from the list, you will be added back via our processes. Also, as this is the primary communication channel to the WiscWeb users, changing your subscription status could lead to missing important informational updates.

Updating your mail subscription settings

To update your Google Group settings:

  1. Log in to Google Groups with your campus NetID and password
    • If you're already logged into Google with a personal account, you will need to switch to your wisc.edu account

  2. Once your Google Groups application opens, click on My Groups to see the groups that you are a member of

    Select My Groups icon

  3. Find the group that you want to update your mail settings for, and click on the drop down list for your messages

    Update mail options

  4. From that list, update your mail reception to the desired value. For example, if you do not want to receive emails from this Google Group, you would choose Don't send email updates.


  • If you unsubscribe from the WiscWeb Google Group, there is a likelihood you will be re-added eventually as the service regularly updates the list to add users. If you do not want the emails in the future, it may be helpful to set a rule in Microsoft 365 for how to handle emails from WiscWeb.

  • For more help with Google Suite functionalities, please refer to the G Suite team and their Knowledge Base documents.

email, mail, mailing list, unsubscribe, options 
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Owned by:
Matt G. in WiscWeb
DoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb