Faculty Center - Advisor Center
Faculty and instructors who also have assigned advisees in the Student Information System (SIS) have access to the Advisor Center in addition to the Faculty Center.The Advisor Center is used most often by those who have a formal advising role with graduate or professional students. Those who have a formal undergraduate advising role as part of their work with students are more likely to use the Advising Gateway as their primary advising tool.
FERPA Note: Before accessing a student's academic information available in Advisor Center, faculty and instructors should evaluate whether they have a legitimate educational interest, under FERPA, to do so. In general, the Faculty Center tab should be referenced for instructional purposes and the Advisor Center should be accessed for advising purposes.
Accessing Faculty Center
- Login to MyUW.
- Select the Faculty Center tile.
Viewing Advisor Center

Once at the Faculty Center, navigate to the “Advisor Center” tab. Under Advisor Center, you’ll see additional tabs for “My Advisees”, “Student Center” and “General Info”.
My Advisees Tab
- Contains a list of assigned advisees.
- Click on a student’s name to email them.
- Click on “View Student Details” to see academic information available in their “Student Center” tab.
Student Center Tab
- Contains academic information such as the student’s class schedule and links to course history, grades, and exam schedule, holds, advisors, and contact information.
- Advisors of Graduate Students will also have access to advising notes and academic requirements. The “Academic Requirements” menu opens the student’s Academic Advisement Report in the Graduate Student Tracking System (GSTS). For additional information about GSTS including an overview of the report structure and an introduction to reading the report, see GSTS - Accessing Advisement Reports (Faculty Advisor).
General Info Tab
- Contains additional contact information and more details about holds and student groups.
Changing Students
- Option 1: From the “My Advisees” tab, navigate to the new advisee, and click on “View Student Details” to access their academic record information.
- Option 2: From the “Student Center” and “General Info” tabs, you can switch from one assigned advisee to the next by using the drop-down list of students in the “Change Advisee” section. Select the new student’s name and then click on “Change”.