Network Account Activation
Welcome to the School of Education and the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. Below are the steps you need to take to activate your account so that you can access all the network resources that the WCER offers. You will need to do 4 steps:
- Network Activation form signed by you and your supervisor.
- Watch the 12 minute training video.
- Get 100% on the quiz. (You can take it as many times as you need to)
- Reset your temporary password.
Network Activation Form
Please email with the name and email address of your supervisor. Once we receive that information you and your supervisor will receive an email with the Network Activation form via DocuSign. Read and follow the instructions to sign the form in DocuSign.
Video and Quiz
Watch the roughly 12-minute network security training video linked here.
After the video you will be asked to fill in your Wiscmail address, first and last name and NetID. For UW employees or students typically this is the user name you use to login to your UW account.
If you are external to the university but still affiliated with a project at WCER or SoE please input your work email address and use your email name as your Network ID.
Temporary Password
After these steps are complete we will email you a temporary password. Once you reset your password your account will be setup. Login to the VPN with Global Protect using your SoE login (typically the same as your NetID) and the temporary password. Go to and login with the same credentials. At the top of the page you will see the option to change your password. Follow this article for more information.