Graduate Transfer Credit for Prior Coursework - Entry Considerations

This document provides recommendations to assist with graduate transfer credit entries.

Entry Considerations

To ensure accuracy, consider the following as you enter transfer credit for prior coursework. 

Transfer credit appears on transcripts starting summer 2023

The transfer credit tool launched in Summer 2023. If transfer credit for prior coursework was added to a student's record before the Summer 2023 term, you must delete and re-enter the entry to appear on a transcript.

Summer 2023 transfer credit on transcript

Utilize comments in My Grad Portal for clarification

Attach a comment or note to the Comments section to clarify a transfer credit entry. This is most commonly use if an entry is an exception that deviates from policy.

Comments section in My Grad Portal

Record all prior coursework counting toward a degree earned outside of graduate career at UW Madison

You do not need to re-enter prior coursework if credit was earned in a separate graduate program (e.g., MS) on campus. Example: Public Affairs, MPA degree completed and Mass Communications, PhD current student. Transfer credit for prior coursework completed during Public Affairs, MPA degree does not need to be added to the student's Mass Communications, PhD program.

MIPA and Mass Communications PhD student program

UW Madison coursework must be designated in the Course Type field

Do not enter UW Madison prior coursework as a "Graduate Course From Other Institution". If a student completed courses at UW Madison outside of their graduate career, their Add Prior Coursework screen will autopopulate the appropriate Course Type (e.g., UW-Madison Undergraduate, UW-Madison Special Student).

UW Madison course as an external course

UW Madison undergraduate course

Verify entry aligns with Graduate School and program-specific prior coursework policy

Review the Graduate School: Transfer Credits for Prior Coursework Policy. Program-specific prior coursework policy listed on your program's Guide page should be followed. Guide is a legal binding agreement with students that displays the requirements for completing awards. Locate your program's current Major-Specific Policies on your Guide page. 

Major-specific policies section on Guide page

transfer credit recommendations, prior coursework, transfer credit 
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Lorena K. in Graduate School
Graduate School