Payments: Protocol Set Up

Protocol Set up for OnCore Protocols

If your protocol is in OnCore it will be sent to Payments once your Department and SMPH Dean's Finance office approves the Advarra Payments Request Form

Protocol Details

  1. From the Menu navigate to Payments > Protocols
  2. The Protocols landing page opens, where you can see all protocols in the system and you can search for your protocol by any of the following fields:
    • screenshot of protocol search
    • Protocol Number: OnCore Protocol Number
    • NCT ID:                   NCT followed by 8 digit number if entered into OnCore
    • Protocol Name:     OnCore Protocol Title
    • screenshot of Advarra hub fields
  3. In the protocol record click 'Edit'
  4. Enter information in Protocol Details using the Data Field Definitions listed below
    1. screenshot of OnCore protocol details
  5. Scroll down and click 'Save'

To the top

Data Field Definitions - click to expand/collapse a list of fields and requirements for entry

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Protocol Number The Protocol Number is a unique numeric identifier that is automatically assigned to the protocol


OnCore interface: Generated from OnCore

Enter unique protocol number using the following format: [PI Last Name]_Short title_ProtocolID 

Character limit is 80.

For example: Bucky_Study_1234

Additional considerations for the short title include: 

  • The disease or condition for the study
  • The investigational product for the study
  • An acronym of the study title
[Doc 132300 content is unavailable at this time.]

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Protocol Name Short title of the protocol.

Not Required

OnCore interface: Generated from OnCore

Enter a short title that describes the protocol.

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
IRB Number

The IRB No. is the number assigned to your protocol by the study's IRB of record.

Not Required

OnCore interface: Generated from OnCore

Enter the IRB assigned protocol number or enter "IRB Exempt" if IRB review is not required.

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Financial Reference Number The 6-digit department (UDDS) code (e.g., 582900).


Enter the funding string in the following format: Unit, Division, Department, and Subdepartment.

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Internal Reference Number The WISER assigned project number


Enter the WISER Project number in the 3-digit fund dash WISER project number (e.g., 133-AAANNNN).

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Keyword Enter salient keywords for the research group.

Not Required

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Business Units The UW - Madison department the protocol is being managed.


Select the appropriate Business Unit from the option list.

Contact Application Support if additional Business Units should be added.

Field Name Definition Requirement
Entry Instructions
Allow Reimbursement Establishes workflow for repaying for travel expenses (e.g., mileage, hotel and/or parking)


Select Yes or No if the protocol will allow reimbursements for travel expenses.

Protocol Set up for all other Protocols

If your protocol is not integrated with OnCore, you need to create your protocol manually once your Department and SMPH Dean's Finance office approves the Advarra Payments Request Form

  1. From the Menu navigate to Payments > Protocols.
  2. The Protocols landing page opens, where you can see all protocols in the system.
  3. Click New Protocol
    • screen shot of new protocol creation screen
  4. The screen will open and enter the following information
    • screenshot of entry detail for new protocol 
    • Protocol Number: [PI Last Name]_Short title_ProtocolID
        • e.g. Collins_GENE Study_MK1234
        • (This should match the protocol number used on the Protocol Request Form sent to the SMPH Dean's Finance office)
    • NCT Number: NCT followed by 8 digit number
        • (leave blank if not registered with
    • Protocol Name: Protocol Title
  5. Click Create and the protocol is saved.
  6. To enter the rest of the Protocol Details click Edit
    • screen shot of remaining protocol detail fields
  7. Then complete entering all of the Protocol Details following the Data Field Definitions above
  8. Scroll down and click 'Save'

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Ad Hoc Stipends

To Allow Ad Hoc Stipends set this field to 'Yes'

  1. An Ad Hoc Stipend allows the study coordinator to enter any amount for an unplanned visit or procedure to provide additional payment to participant.
  2. Select 'Yes' for those visits to allow Ad Hoc Stipends to be added.

screenshot of setting ad hoc stipends

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Set Visit Reimbursements

To Allow Reimbursements set this field to 'Yes'

  1. You can select which visits allow Reimbursements by selecting type of reimbursement by clicking in field
    1. screenshot for allow reimburesments
  2. All reimbursements must follow the UW Travel Policies.
  3. Scroll down and click 'Save'
  • Receipts are required to be electronically attached to the visit when documented.
  • For mileage, a map is required to support mileage claim.
  • Do not attach anything with protected or confidential information.
    • Redact credit card and social security numbers.
    • When reimbursing research subjects, it may be necessary to redact anything with details of the research being done. Map printouts for research subjects may use a nearby location instead of the research subject’s home address.

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Set Visit Stipends

Use this section to set the stipend payment amounts for each visit.

  1. In the Visits or Unscheduled Visits tables click 'New Visit'
    1. screenshot of visit entry
  2. Enter the visit name and payment amount
  3. Set visit to 'Active' by selecting 'Yes' (if visits are discontinued at a later date you can change this to 'No')
  4. You can also identify whether there is a reimbursement associated with the visit or allow ad hoc stipends
  5. Continue adding visits 
  6. Use arrows in the 'Order' column to rearrange visits.
  7. Scroll down and Click 'Save'

Review Payments: Protocol Set Up Examples for Unique Cases to determine the best way to set up your protocol visits in the system.

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Reimbursement Limits

It is recommended to enter Reimbursement Rules for each protocol to remind study coordinators the limits.

  1. Follow UW Travel Policies
  2. Use the 'Guidelines' field to provide any additional instructions to study coordinators.
  3. Characters in this field should be limited to 300.
  4. Any Maximums set will trigger a warning if an amount exceeds the limit.
    1. screenshot for reimbursement warning
  5. The Reimbursement will still be sent for Review, but may be rejected by SMPH Dean's Finance office.
    1. screenshot of reimbursement rules
  6. Scroll down and click 'Save'

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Add Staff

To Add Staff to your protocol click 'Save' to close the Edit screen

Scroll down to the Protocol Users section

  1. You will need to add any staff to your protocol that will need to :
    1. Edit protocol settings
    2. Check-in Participants
    3. Pay Participants
    4. Review Stipends
  2. Click 'Add' and a pop up window will open
    1. screenshot of protocol users section
  3. Begin entering user name in 'User' field and click 'Add' (user must have an account in system before you can add them to protocol. See Clinical Trial Systems Lookup Tool  to search for user's account status)
    1. screenshot of add user screen
  4. Click 'Add' or select 'Add and New' to keep adding more users.

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participant, visits, stipends, reimbursement, travel, mileage, staff 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Sheri A. in SMPH Research Informatics
SMPH Research Informatics