Memo: L&S Semi-Annual Forecast and One-Time Tally Sheet Request Process

Announcement of two new semi-annual processes for BSR forecasting and requests for use of one-time tally sheet spending.

Beginning in November 2023, L&S will be rolling out two new semi-annual processes for BSR ending balance forecasting and accepting requests for one-time tally sheet spending in the College.  The first is that the L&S Budget Office will provide a forecast of BSR ending balances by budget category twice each year based on expenditures to date through October and again based on expenditures to date through February.  The second is that along with rolling out these semi-annual forecasts, L&S will also be opening two designated time windows when requests for one-time tally sheet spending can be submitted. 

For BSR ending balance forecasting, the forecast data takes into account patterns that occur each year (for example, department always pays 60% of total annual TA expenses in the fall and only 40% in the spring) but cannot adjust for one-time occurrences or new initiatives (you plan to pay multiple faculty in spring on 131 profit account for the first time).  Realizing expenditure trends can vary widely year to year for some categories, notably STS, these forecasts should be viewed as directional estimates to help guide your decision-making process for the remainder of the year.  However, it is important to recognize these are estimates and the final totals could vary significantly, especially if anything about your planned expenditures this year will vary notably from past patterns for your department. 

Based on estimates from the fall forecast, departments may send requests to their AAD and the AD for Innovation and Strategic Budgeting, Jennifer Klippel, to spend one-time tally sheet funds on the following categories per the L&S List of Acceptable Uses of One-Time Balances on BSR Tally Sheets.  Requests will also be reviewed by the AD for Teaching & Learning and HR Director where appropriate: 

  • TAs/ Reader/Graders / Teaching Specialists / Undergrad Assistants [as relates to piloting of expanded course offerings with prior approval by AAD, AD for Teaching and Learning and AD for Innovation and Strategic Budgeting]
  • Student Help
  • Payments to Support Curricular Improvement Projects
  • Hiring of Graduate Assistant PAs to Support Pilot Programs for Outreach or to Enhance Student Experience, or Improve Departmental Administrative Functioning

These exercises will happen between November 15th through December 15th and March 15th through April 15th each year. 
Please note two exceptions to the process. 

  1. Short Term Instructional Staffing (STS) and Visiting Professors (STS) and Visiting Professors requests will be handled through the usual STS processes.
  2. Remodeling Projects to Enhance Student Instructional Experience must follow through the L&S Instructional Lab Modernization (ILM) project request in December 1st of each year.  As part of that request, departments can designate whether they are willing to support the project with one-time BSR funds. FP&M has limited capacity to complete all requested capital projects on campus each year.  L&S leadership must consider these bandwidth constraints when evaluating project priority ranking, regardless of funding source for the project.

Memo to L&S Chairs, Directors and Administrators

Keywordsforecast, forecasting, one-time, tally sheet, BSR, budget status report, fund 101, ILM   Doc ID133035
OwnerKesha W.GroupL&S KB
Created2023-11-28 13:52:34Updated2023-11-29 14:41:18
SitesL&S KB
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