Add a Network Printer to a PC by IP Address

Add network printer to a Windows PC by IP Address

LABS: You need to connect to Azure Remote PC service first. 

  1. On a Windows 10 computer, click on the Start button and type Printers and Scanners and hit Enter when it comes up.

  2. Click the +Add a Printer or Scanner button.

  3. Click on The printer I want isn't listed.
  4. Click the radio button next to Add a printer using an IP address or host name and click Next

    printers & scanners settings with the option to Find a printer by other options and the Add a printer using an IP address or hostname radio button clicked

  5. Type in the IP Address of the printer which should have been provided by SMPH IT.  To find the name of your printer, please email Shared Services IT asking for the name of your printer 
  6.  Keep the box checked to Query the printer and automatically select the driver to use. and click Next to complete the printer installation.

    Type a printer hostname or IP address pop-up. Device type: TCP/IP Device. A text box to enter the Hostname or IP address. a text box to enter the port name. query the printer and a utomatically select the device is checked

smph it knowledge base network printer pc ip address windows 
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Owned by:
Brianna M. in SMPH
School of Medicine and Public Health