Add a Network Printer to a PC through File Explorer

Add a Network Printer to a PC through File Explorer

LABS: You need to connect to Azure Remote PC service first.

  1. Open File Explorer

  2. Enter \\

    file explorer window with print server address entered into the file explorer search bar and below it there is a list of printers from the print server

  3. Use the search bar to search for the printer

    the number 2130 is entered into the search bar and the hslc-2130-bw-m605 printer is listed

  4. Double click on the printer. An installation window will appear.

    a windows printer installation window appears indicating that it is connecting to the printer on the print server with a loading bar below it
  5. The printer will appear in your list of printers.

NOTE: If you are not sure which printer to install, change the View, to Details to display the Printer comments that include additional details about the printer. To find the name of your printer, please email Shared Services IT asking for the name of your printer  

file explorer window with the view tab hilighted at the top of the screen and the details button hilighted below it

network printer file explorer windows pc print 
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Owned by:
Brianna M. in SMPH
School of Medicine and Public Health