Lumen Structures: How to Submit Contractual (Instructional) Agreement Proposals

Instructions on how to fill out the proposals for contractual agreements for course instruction.


Approval of Contractual Arrangements for the Delivery of Credit Instruction

Policy Number


Responsible Office

Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research


University Policy


To comply with accreditation standards, this policy describes the conditions in which UW-Madison must seek approval for the delivery of credit instruction by contractors.


The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), UW-Madison’s accrediting body, dictates that prior HLC approval or notification may be required related to the initiation, modification, or renewal of contractual arrangements in which some portion of an academic program is outsourced.

If an academic division or academic unit at UW-Madison seeks to enter a contractual arrangement for the delivery of instruction that results in the awarding of UW-Madison credit, the arrangement requires academic approval by the faculty of the contracting department or unit, the dean of the school/college, and the University Academic Planning Council (UAPC). Upon approval of these entities, the contractual arrangement must be submitted to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) for review and approval. Once approved by the HLC, the contract may be signed by UW-Madison’s Office of Procurement.

HLC approval or notification is not required for arrangements between an institution and a third party in which any of the following conditions apply:

  • The contract is solely for goods and services, such as food services and parking lot management, that are unrelated to the provision of academic programs.
  • The institution offers the goods or services to another party.
  • The contractual partner provides an internship that does not include a formal instructional component.
  • The contractual partner provides only books or supplies supporting the academic program or only equipment or a platform for internet-based instruction.
  • The contract between the contractual partner and the institution provides only for the articular or transfer of courses that are transcribed as transfer credit on the students’ transcripts and not the outsourcing of courses carrying academic credit from the institution.

In addition, the following arrangements do not fall under the definition of a contractual arrangement and do not require HLC approval or notification:

  • Consortial Arrangement: An arrangement in which all of the contractual partners providing goods or services related to academic programs are institutions accredited by agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Credit Transfer

Proposals for contractual agreements are submitted in Lumen Structure Proposals.

Related UW–Madison Documents, Web Pages, or Other Resources

External References

Approval Authority

Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Policy Manager

Vice Provost for Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research


Associate Director, Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research -- Michelle Young, MEYOUNG@WISC.EDU, (608) 262-2143

Effective Date

Source: View policy UW-1020 in the UW-Madison Policy Library

Academic planning help

Per HLC Policy INST.G.10.010, UW-Madison must notify HLC and obtain approval within 30 days of initiation of a contractual or other arrangement wherein an institution outsources some portion of one or more of its educational programs to any of the following parties:

  • an unaccredited institution;
  • an institution that is not accredited by an accreditor recognized by the U.S. Department of Education; or
  • a corporation or other entity.

Form Instructions

Instructions for how to fill out the Lumen Structures form.
Field in the form Action
Request type Select "Contractual Instructional Agreement"
Home department Select the home department requesting the contractual agreement.
School/College This defaults to the School/College the department is housed in. This is not editable.

Enter: "Contractual Agreement: [partner name]"

Request details

Include approval information (Department, School/College, university approval, HLC).

Upload form

There isn't a form for this proposal. Upload a proposal in line with the requirements listed in the Procedures: Approval of Contractual Arrangements for the Delivery of Credit Instruction

Supporting documents
  • Other proposal details
  • documented communication from the contractor, institution, and accrediting body.

Workflow Steps

  1. Department(s) (default)
  2. School/College(s) (default)
  3. APIR Admin (default)

Contractual Arrangements for the Delivery of Credit Instruction, 
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Melissa S. in Lumen and Guide
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