SIS - Class/Course Attributes
PeopleSoft allows special designations to be placed on class sections in the Class Attributes area of the Basic Data tab of Maintain Schedule of Classes. Curricular Representatives may assign the four attributes listed below when appropriate.
These attributes are available for Curricular Representatives to attach to class sections:
GE – General Education Requirement. The GE attribute with the attribute value COM B is placed on section-level Comm-B sections.*
LAW – Used internally by the Law School*
TRFR – Transfer Section*
WES – Wisconsin Emerging Scholars*
These attributes are used to manage data internally within the Registrar's Office, and cannot be added by Curricular Representatives:
75MW – Sections that have been approved to be offered at a non-standard 75-minute Monday/Wednesday time
COOP – Used for Continuity of Operations Planning prior to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic but not currently in active use
DE – Distance Education section
FIG – First-Year Interest Group section*
G50% – Course is countable toward the graduate coursework (50%) requirement. This attribute is assigned to courses in the course catalog following academic-governance approval, and a process administered by the Graduate School regularly copies the attribute down to scheduled class sections.
NIHT – Sections approved by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research as meeting the National Institutes of Health's Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training requirements for trainees, fellows, and others supported by certain types of training grants
RESH – Residence Hall section*
SVCL – Community-Based Learning section. For more information, see the Community-Based Learning page on the Morgridge Center for Public Service website*
TEXT - Section is participating in the campus Engage program through which students obtain eTexts and/or publisher Digital Learning Tools (DLTs)
*Attributes with an asterisk can be searched on in Course Search & Enroll.