KB User's Guide - Topics Tab - Create Topic Footers
In addition to the footer functionality available in the KB's document editor (see KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Define and Apply Document Headers and Footers for details) it is possible to set up topic-dependent footers that only appear on documents assigned to a particular topic. Unlike footers created in the document editor, topic-dependent footers appear at the very bottom of the document, underneath the Feedback section. Users with publish rights can use the instructions below to define and style these footers.
Currently topic-dependent footers are only available for Level 5 Topics. If your KB site's topic structure does not extend to level 5, you will not be able to use this feature.
Begin by logging into the KB Admin Tools.
Click on the Topics tab.
Click on the 'Level 5 Topics' link.
To add a description to an existing footer, fill out the field labeled Topic Description/ footer (up to 3000 chars appearing in docs associated with this topic) and click on the Update button.
If you do not have an existing level 5 footer, you can fill out both the Level 5 Topic Name and Level 5 Topic Description / footer fields and click on the Add a new level 5 topic button.
Footers you have specified for the Level 5 Topic will appear. If a document is assigned more than one level 5 topic, all footers will appear in the order established in the Order column on the Level 5 Topics screen.
It is possible to apply custom styling to by overriding the below class in your site's custom CSS: