ECMS - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Content Viewer - Viewer Components

Imaging - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Content Viewer - Viewer Components
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Perceptive Content Viewer

Content Viewer is a robust tool that controls all aspects of viewing scanned documents. The Viewer is the primary user interface within Perceptive Content.

Perceptive Content Viewer

This overview introduces you to the various Components of the Viewer.

Viewer Components

As each document is scanned or imported, it is uploaded to the Content Server. You can then use the Content Client to locate and retrieve documents for processing. Once a document is requested, the document is downloaded and displayed in Content Viewer. Content Viewer has several toolbars, views, and components that display during the various stages of document processing. It is important to understand all of the features and functionality of Content Viewer. This section introduces you to some of the more important components of Content Viewer:

View Toolbar

The Content Viewer's View toolbar contains icons that enable you to alter the way the document is displayed within the Content Viewer. You can zoom in and out of an image, rotate the image or resize the image. The icons coincide with several of the commands contained in the View menu.

Many documents contain multiple pages. By default, Content Viewer displays the first page of the document. The Content Viewer status bar in the bottom right corner of Content Viewer displays the total number of pages for each document. The Navigate toolbar appears and allows users to view subsequent pages.


Thumbnails allow you to move, copy, delete and organize selected pages of a single or multi-page document. By default, the Thumbnails appear under the Document Viewer window. Each thumbnail represents a page of the document. Each thumbnail icon contains a context menu that provides options for the individual page. Right click the icon to display its context menu.

Toolbar Settings

You can undock and reposition the Content Viewer toolbars anywhere in the Content Viewer window. By default, all of the toolbars are docked in the Content Viewer window. Notice that each toolbar has a vertical line on its left edge. Use this line as a handle to grab the toolbar and undock it.

Launch Associated Application

Content can store any file type. There are limitations as to what file types can be viewed within the Content Viewer, but by installing the appropriate filters, Content Viewer can view more than 200 file types. You can also launch an Content Viewer document inside its associated application on the desktop. For example, if you have Microsoft Word installed and are viewing a Word (.doc) file within the Content Viewer, you can automatically launch a local copy of the file inside Microsoft Word.

Imaging Imaging System Experience Perceptive Content perceptive content Viewer Components ecm ecms enterprise content management imaging imagenow perceptive 
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Douglas S. in ECMS
DoIT Help Desk, ECMS