Microsoft 365 - Why do I see multiple copies of an event/meeting on my snapshot calendar?

During the transition to Office 365, calendar data (from WiscCal or other calendaring system) is transferred from your old account to your new Office 365 account. There are instances where a particular event may be duplicated on your snapshot calendar.

Important: It is better if you see duplicate events than nothing. In all these cases, recreate the desired event(s) in your primary calendar and delete any others from your snapshot you no longer need.

Each section below describes scenarios where you may see duplicate events.

Organizer created multiple meetings for the same event

Say you decline a meeting, depending on the WiscCal client you are using, the event disappears from your view. The organizer creates another meeting for this same event and invites you again. You decide to accept this new invitation. These two events will both appear in your snapshot calendar; one will have you as an accepted attendee, and the other will have you as a declined attendee plus "DECLINED" text will be added to the subject of the event.

Recurring events

Say you have an event that recurs daily, Monday through Friday. You then deleted the one instance on Wednesday but recreated it as a new event due to time/location changes. There may be instances, depending on the client that you used to make these changes, your snapshot calendar will contain both the original event from the recurring series and the new event you created.

Declined/Cancelled events

Say you declined/cancelled an event. Depending on the WiscCal client you are using, these events may no longer be in your view. Later these events were recreated by you or the organizer. These two events will both appear in your snapshot calendar; one will have you as an accepted attendee, and the other will have you as a declined attendee plus "DECLINED" text will be added to the subject of the event. For events that were cancelled, "CANCELLED" text will be added to the subject of the event.

Error during snapshot process

In very rare occasions, Microsoft is unable to create an event in your Office 365 account and returns an error. When this occurs, we resubmit the request to Microsoft until they accept the event and create it within your snapshot. What we have noticed is that even though Microsoft notified us that the event could not have been created (and that we should try again), the event was actually created within you snapshot. So, when we request to have the event created again, a duplicate event is now created.

Keywordsmicrosoft office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 snapshots calendars migrated migration recreate re-create re-creating recreating wisccal resources tasks accounts title start end description location event type categories organizer attendees recurring events series occurrences cancelled declined   Doc ID41995
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2014-07-21 12:03:12Updated2023-02-02 09:22:54
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365
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