Bio-ARROW - Getting Started - Create Protocol

Bio-ARROW help

When you log onto ARROW, you will see the "Start ARROW Application" button on the upper left side of the page.

Select the "Start ARROW Application" button to initiate new protocol.

Image of the Start ARROW Application button

 A pop-up menu will instruct you to "Select from the following ARROW Application types:"

Select "Biosafety Protocol" from the menu.

Screenshot of the popup menu titled "Select from the following ARROW Application types", you select biosafety protocol from this menu

Follow the prompts to continue creating the protocol.

A protocol can be started in this way by the PI or another member of the PI's laboratory group. 

Still have questions? Call the Office of Biological Safety (OBS) at 608-263-2037.

We are happy to help! 

create new protocol, new biosafety protocol 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Tara S. in ARROW - Institutional Biosafety Committee
ARROW - Institutional Biosafety Committee