InterPro - Online Learning - InterPro Credit Learners - Getting Help with Technical Problems

EPD eHelp
Getting Help
Online students in an EPD support course who are having technical problems with online systems, software or computing devices should follow the instructions below for getting help. The course instructor may not be able to help effectively troubleshoot the technical problems, so this is where the EPD Online Support team can help act as a front-line resource in helping find assistance within the University. EPD will either help solve the problem directly, or in some instances, can connect you to the proper resource or person at UW-Madison.
Below are the steps for reporting technical problems if taking an EPD-supported online course.
  1. Search this EPD eHelp KnowledgeBaseand the UW KnowledgeBase first. They may already have the quick answer.
  2. Post in the Tech Support Forum in the EPD Community & Support Site. Posting questions and problems there will receive a quicker response.
  3. Otherwise, contact UW-Madison DoIT HelpDesk directly. The EPD Online Support team is usually the best place to start, but the DoIT HelpDesk may also be of help and have several options for getting help.
How to Report Technical Problems
When reporting technical problems, it is always helpful to pass along as much information as possible to help with troubleshooting and/or replicating the problem. This will also aid in a quicker resolution. When posting a technical issue, please include as much of the following info as possible:
  • Specific computer or device operating system
    • i.e. Mac or Windows OS version, Apple iOS device and version, Android version, etc.
  • The web browser(s) that is experiencing the problem
    • i.e. Firefox v23, Safari 6, IE9, etc.
  • Location in which the problem is experienced
    • i.e. home, work, both, etc.
  • If possible, it is very helpful to include screenshots and any error messages received.

EPD eHelp "Tech Support" 
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Learning Design and Technologies Team in Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
College of Engineering - Online Learning Resources, Interdisciplinary Professional Programs