Faculty Senate Minutes 2011-02-07

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document

February 7, 2011

Audio Recording
The meeting was called to order by Chancellor Biddy Martin at 3:31 p.m. with 147 voting members present.
1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:
Professor Emeritus John Alexander Armstrong Jr.2232
Professor Jeanne Boydston. faculty document 2233
Professor Emeritus Phillip A. Hart. faculty document 2234
Professor Emeritus Ulfert Hornemann. faculty document 2235
Professor Emeritus Walter Rudin. faculty document 2236
Professor Emeritus Dennis P. Stimart. faculty document 2237
Professor Emeritus Charles E. Yale. faculty document 2238
2. Announcements/Informational Items.
Chancellor Martin spoke about the state’s budget repair bill for the current year and the governor’s 2011-2013 biennial budget bill. She anticipated that the new biennial budget bill will contain base budget cuts for all state agencies and that contributions by state employees to their pensions and health benefits were expected to be on the governor’s agenda. The chancellor was hopeful that greater flexibility for the university, as proposed in the New Badger Partnership, would be granted. Chancellor Martin concluded with a brief presentation on how the university’s funding sources have changed since 1974.
Chancellor Martin responded to several questions regarding anticipated budget cuts and the New Badger Partnership.
3. Question Period.
There were no questions.
4. The minutes of 6 December 2010 were approved as distributed.
5. Professor Peter Vranas submitted for informational purposes the Archives Committee Annual Report for 2009-2010. faculty document 2239
There were no questions or comments.
6. Provost Paul DeLuca submitted for informational purposes the Campus Planning Committee Annual Report for 2009-2010. faculty document 2240
There were no questions or comments.
7. Professor Beth Graue, chair of the Committee on Committees, presented the slates of candidates for faculty-elected committees from the Committee on Committees. faculty document 2241 The slates of nominees are:
Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits
Jeffrey Beneker, Classics (L&S), arts and humanities; non-tenured
Jo Ellen Fair, Journalism and Mass Communication (L&S), arts and humanities
Darian Ibrahim, Law (LAW), social studies; non-tenured
Mary Triana, Business (BUS), social studies; non-tenured
Chess Adams, Surgical Sciences (VET), biological sciences, who was listed in the COC report has
since withdrawn his name from the ballot.
There were no nominations from the floor.
Two additional nominees will be announced at the 7 March Faculty Senate meeting.
Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
Jean Bahr, Geoscience (L&S), physical sciences
Bernadette Baker, Curriculum and Instruction (EDUC), social studies
William Boissonnault, Orthopedics and Rehabilitation (SMPH), biological sciences
Eric Raimy, English (L&S), arts and humanities
Majid Sarmadi, Human Ecology (SOHE), physical sciences
There were no nominations from the floor.
Three additional nominees will be announced at the 7 March Faculty Senate meeting.
Library Committee
Hans Adler, German (L&S), arts and humanities
Karen Britland, English (L&S), arts and humanities
Karl Broman, Biostatistics and Medical Informatics (SMPH), biological sciences
Warren Porter, Zoology (L&S), biological sciences
There were no nominations from the floor.
University Committee
Michael Bernard-Donals, English (L&S), arts and humanities
Mark Cook, Animal Sciences (CALS), biological sciences
Ivy Corfis, Spanish and Portuguese (L&S), arts and humanities
Dietram Scheufele, Life Sciences Communication, social studies
There were no nominations from the floor.
8. Professor Katrina Forest submitted for informational purposes the Informational Technology Committee Annual Report for 2009-2010. faculty document 2242
There were no questions or comments.
9. Professor David Nelson submitted for informational purposes the Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee Annual Report for 2009-2010. faculty document 2243
There were no questions or comments.
10. Professor Judith Burstyn moved to adopt the University Committee Recommendation to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures to Create the Research, Safety and Compliance Oversight Committee. faculty document 2225
There were a number of questions and comments.
The motion passed by voice vote.
11. Professor Burstyn moved to adopt the Principles for the New Badger Partnership. faculty document 2244b
There were no questions or comments. 
The motion passed by voice vote.
12. Professor Richard Moss presented for discussion the Recommendation to Create the Department of Cell and Regenerative Biology and the Department of Neuroscience in the School of Medicine and Public Health. faculty document 2245
There was one question and two comments.
13. Professor Burstyn moved to amend the University of Wisconsin-Madison Statement on Consensual Relationships. faculty document 940a
There was one comment. 
The previous question was moved and seconded, and passed by voice vote.
The motion to amend passed by voice vote. 
The meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m.
David Musolf 
Secretary of the Faculty 

faculty policies and procedures 
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Owned by:
Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty