Faculty Senate Minutes 2010-10-04

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document

October 4, 2010

The meeting was called to order by Chancellor Biddy Martin at 3:31 p.m. with XXX voting members present.
1. Memorial resolutions were presented for:
Professor Emeritus David T. Berman. faculty document 2203
Professor Emeritus Saul T. Epstein. faculty document 2204
Assistant Dean and Professor Emeritus Roy W. Haller. faculty document 2205
Dean and Professor Emeritus Orrin L. Helstad. faculty document 2206
Professor Emeritus Herbert M. Howe. faculty document 2207
Professor Emeritus C. Richard Hutchinson. faculty document 2208
Professor Emeritus Harold C. Jordahl Jr. faculty document 2209
Professor Emeritus Irving M. Piliavin. faculty document 2210
Professor Emeritus William B. Youmans. faculty document 2211
2. Chancellor Martin presented her State of the University address, which included an array of subjects:
Searches for deans of law, business and continuing studies as well as the vice chancellor for research and dean of the graduate school;
Funding from WARF and UW Foundation for graduate student support;
Current biennial budget;
The new Badger Partnership, an initiative to generate discussion on and off campus regarding the university’s business model and the desire for more flexibility and greater autonomy, allowing the UW-Madison to compete better with other public and private institutions;
The chancellor’s proposal to hire an outside consultant to examine the university’s organizational structure and provide an independent view of the effectiveness and efficiency of the university’s administration.
3. Announcements/Informational Items.
Professor Judith Burstyn spoke about the University Committee’s activities for 2010-2011.
Professor Susan Babcock spoke on behalf of the Committee on Committees to ask senators to remind their departmental faculty to nominate themselves and their colleagues for elected faculty committees.
4. Question Period.
Professor Bradford Barham and Chancellor Biddy Martin responded to questions from Professor Benjamin Marquez (District 68) regarding the chancellor’s proposal to hire an outside consultant to examine the university’s organizational structure and provide an independent view of the effectiveness and efficiency of the university’s administration.
Chancellor Martin responded to a question from Professor Mark Etzel (District 11) regarding the circumstances that resulted in the recent suicide of a Rutgers University student and efforts the UW-Madison is making to prevent similar occurrences on this campus.
5. The minutes of 3 May 2010 were approved as distributed.
6. Chancellor Martin called attention to the Summary of Faculty Legislation and Faculty Senate Business for 2009-2010. faculty document 2212.
7. Professor Burstyn moved to confirm the reappointment of Professor Stephen Ventura (Soil Science) to the Campus Planning Committee for a second four-year term to represent environmental concerns.
The motion passed without negative vote.
8. Professor Burstyn moved to confirm the appointment of Professor Kathryn Hendley (Law and Political Science) to the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities for 2010-2011, replacing Professor Karen Steudel who has retired from the university.
The motion passed without negative vote.
9. Associate Professor David Noyce submitted for informational purposes the Campus Transportation Committee Annual Report for 2008-2009. faculty document 2213.
There were three questions.
10. Chancellor Martin called attention to the Amended Report of Elections to UW-Madison Faculty Committees for 2010-2011. faculty document 2198a.
There were no questions or comments.
11. Professor Joseph Kemnitz submitted for informational purposes the Library Committee Annual Report for 2009-2010. faculty document 2214
There were no questions or comments.
12. Provost Paul DeLuca submitted for informational purposes the University Academic Planning Council Annual Report for 2009-2010. faculty document 2215
There were no questions or comments.
13. Professor Burstyn presented for discussion the first reading of the University Committee Recommendation to Amend Faculty Policies and Procedures to Permit the Appointment of Academic Staff to Serve as Co-Chairs of the Committee on Retirement Issues and the Committee on Women in the University. faculty document 2216.
There were no questions or comments.
The meeting adjourned at 4:54 p.m.
David Musolf
Secretary of the Faculty

faculty policies and procedures 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty