Discovery Building

The Discovery Building contains 75 wireless access points. Building Occupants should connect via a wired network at their desks or the WIDMIR wireless network. Guests are able to use Discovery-Guest or Towncenter. Visitors from UW Madison or any other campus that participates in eduroam can connect via that wireless system. If you are a building occupant and need access to building-only content from offsite, the WID VPN is detailed at The Morgridge VPN is at
Meeting Rooms
There are 2 different types of meeting rooms in the Discovery Building, Public and Secured. Publicly reservable rooms include the H.F. DeLuca Forum, conference rooms, teaching labs, and the Researchers' Link. These spaces are maintained by UW Conferences & Events through a web form linked here. Conference rooms are available on the secured floors for building occupants and their authorized guests. can be accessed with a DiscoverIT account from the building network or via the VPN. All Rooms are equipped with AV Systems and have optional additional services through our AV Staff.
Approved devices should be powered via the red outlets so that it can utilize the building's generator. Please contact your theme admin to get each specific device approved. The red outlets do not offer surge or UPS protection and you may want to invest in those functions. The Building's Server Room obtains its power through a large APC UPS (uninterruptable power supply). This provides protection and up to an hour of power after a total power failure.
Server Room
Located in the Lower Level in room B1228, the Discovery Building's Server Room hosts both building infrastructure as well as lab and group-specific servers. There is limited physical access for building staff but it provides full Power, Cooling, and Network.