AWS - Updating an AWS Account Email List
Updating an AWS Account Email List (formerly WiscList)
All AWS accounts have either an Office365 group ( Microsoft 365 - Getting Started with Groups ), or a Google group, used as a mailing list, associated with them. Your account activation email from the Public Cloud team will say which service is used. Amazon and our AWS resellers may periodically send emails to this address with information about your account. By default, this list includes the Account Owner and Primary Technical Contact as provided in the UW-Madison AWS Customer Onboarding Survey.
Emails sent to this list may include billing alerts (AWS - Tracking Costs Associated with an AWS Account ), security alerts from CloudTrail & CloudWatch (AWS - Initial AWS Account Configuration), service notices or or changes being made to AWS services your account uses.
You can view who the members of your Office365group are using Outlook for the web. See Microsoft 365 - Getting Started with Groups for more details.
To view the members of your Google group, you can go to and select the google group associated with your AWS account.
Please contact the public cloud team if you have any issues or questions managing your AWS account email group.
If you have any questions, feedback or ideas please Contact Us
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