AWS - Tracking Costs Associated with an AWS Account

*If you have a STRIDES AWS account, the Cost Management reports should be very close to what you will be billed by UW.* If your account is not NIH STRIDES funded, then be sure to look at the section below about using CloudCheckr.

To change UW Billing information for your account, Contact the Public Cloud Team with the account id and the new information.

For those wanting to look at utilization and cost information (for non-STRIDES accounts)

Contact the UW Cloud team to get access to your AWS account information using CloudCheckr. Our reseller DLT/TD Synnex has a different pricebook, which unfortunately means that the AWS native Cost and Usage information displayed in the AWS console is not as accurate regarding costs. Send the request to get access to CloudCheckr to the UW Cloud Team, and please include the AWS account number. If you're not listed as one of the account contacts, we will be reaching out to those contacts to verify your access to the information.

For those wanting to look at utilization information (for STRIDES accounts)
Customers can track their AWS usage and view their estimated bill using the AWS Management Console: AWS - Sign In to the AWS Management Console . Because UW-Madison AWS accounts are AWS linked accounts, not all billing features are available. Below is a summary of some of the features that are available to UW-Madison AWS account holders.  Note that AWS updates the console views so these directions may not be 100% accurate.  If you do find any directions below unusable, please provide feedback on this KB doc directly.

Billing Dashboard

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console which should have current usage information displayed.
  • Open the Billing & Cost Management Dashboard  (Where to find the dashboard)
  • Switch to the Dashboard tab
    • In the Month-to-Date Spend by Service, click on Bill Details
    • On this screen you should be able to view a summary of usage, but unfortunately will not be able to download a CSV of usage

Cost Explorer

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console
  • Open the Billing & Cost Management Dashboard  (Where to find the dashboard)
  • Click on Cost Explorer button or left navigation item
    • You will see a default graph of usage with lots of options to try out.
Billing Reports
  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console
  • Open the Billing & Cost Management Dashboard  (Where to find the dashboard)
  • Click on the Reports item in the left navigation pane
  • You'll see a list of preconfigured reports to choose from such as Daily costs and Monthly costs by service

Detailed Billing Report

For more details on Amazon's detailed billing reports, see AWS Billing and Cost Management.


To receive a copy of your invoice for any given month, Contact the Public Cloud Team .

Billing Alarms

Customers can elect to receive a billing alert whenever their monthly spend reaches a specified maximum value. Please note that billing alarms only provide a rough estimate of current monthly spend. They do not represent actual spend at any given point in time and numbers may be skewed due to reserved instance usage and service credits/grants applied to any account. 
To update the value associated with your account's billing alarms, Contact the Public Cloud Team .

If you have any questions, feedback or ideas please Contact Us

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aws cost costs bill billing track tracing price prices estimate estimated dnumber udds change management dlt cloudcheckr 
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Steve T. in Public Cloud
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