InterPro - Teaching Resources for Instructors - Use an iPad as a Whiteboard during a Web Conference (Mac)

The following instructions detail how to use Quicktime and Ultra's screen sharing feature on a Mac to display an iPad screen during a web conference. Also included are steps for connecting an Office app on the iPad to a UW Madison Box account in order to annotate PowerPoint slides or other documents during an Ultra session.

Mac users will need:

A.  Install PowerPoint/Office app and connect it to your UW Madison Box account.
B.  Mirror your iPad screen on your Mac.
C.  Share your iPad screen in a web conference.
D.  Annotate PowerPoint slides on the iPad.

Note: See steps B and C if you are using an iPad drawing/whiteboard app other than Office (e.g. PenultimateiAnnotateExplain Everything, etc.) and don't need to connect to UW Madison Box.

 A.  Install PowerPoint or other Office app and connect it to your UW Madison Box account.

    1. After installation from the App Store, open the PowerPoint or other Office app on your iPad.
    2. Tap Open to open a file (see icons on left side of app screen).
    3. Tap Add a Place, then choose Box.
    4. You will be prompted to log in to your Box account.
      • Below the “Authorize” button, click Use Single Sign On (SSO).
      • Enter your email address.
      • Click Authorize.
      • Login with your NetID and password.
      • Click Grant access to Box.
    5. Box will now appear as a location when opening or saving files in the PowerPoint or other Office app. You can open a file from any folder in your Box account. Only files that can be opened by the app you are using will be visible.

 B.   Mirror your iPad screen (PowerPoint slides, etc.) on your Mac.

    1. Connect your iPad to your Mac using a lightning cable (older cable connections will not work).
    2. On your Mac, open QuickTime Player from your list of applications.
    3. From the QuickTime File menu, select New Movie Recording.
    4. Click the pull-down menu to the right of red record button and select your iPad from the list of cameras.
    5. Your iPad screen will be displayed on your Mac in the QuickTime Player window.

 C.   Share your iPad screen in a web conference. 

(For more information about using Blackboard Ultra for web conferencing, see InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Web Conferencing .)   

    1. Launch your presentation or open your drawing/whiteboard app on the iPad.
    2. On your Mac, join your Ultra web conference.  Be sure you are using Chrome as your web browser.
    3. Open the Collaborate panel in the lower right corner of the Ultra window.
    4. Select the Share Content icon.

    5. Select Share Application.

    6. Select Movie Recording from the list of available applications and click the Share button.

      Note: To display other applications in addition to the iPad screen, select "Screen" instead of "Movie Recording" in the dialog box above. If you share your screen, you can switch back and forth between all open applications to display them in the web conference as needed.

    7. Your iPad screen will be shared with participants in the Ultra web conference. 
    8. To stop sharing, click the Stop Sharing button in the Ultra Web Conference on your Mac.


     D.   Annotate PowerPoint slides on the iPad.

      1. From the iPad PowerPoint’s Slide Show menu, select how you want to begin (From Start, or From Current Slide). Or tap the “play arrow” icon in upper right corner.
      2. Your presentation will open in Slide Show mode.
      3. Swipe left/right to move to different slides in presentation.
      4. Tap near the top of the iPad screen to reveal tools for annotating on slides.
      5. Tap the pen tool with gear icon to customize your annotation tool

        Select color for pen or highlighter.
        Select size for eraser.

      6. Once you’ve customized your annotation tool, click on the pen/highlighter icon to select it and then draw/write on slides as needed. You can go back and customize the annotation tool as much as you need to during your presentation to change colors, switch from pen to highlighter, or erase annotations.

    iPad, Ultra, Canvas, Quicktime, Whiteboard 
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    Learning Design and Technologies Team in Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
    College of Engineering
    Interdisciplinary Professional Programs