InterPro - Build a course design map

The course design map is a blueprint for your course.

The Course Design Map follows the backward design framework, in which you first identify the course goals and learning objectives, then identify corresponding assessments, and finally select the needed learning activities and instructional materials that will support them.

backward design

Course Design Map

The Course Design map helps you with the alignment, scope, and sequence of your course. Alignment is the connection between course goals, learning objectives, activities, and assessments. It validates that you are teaching and assessing the intended objectives; Scope refers to the depth and breadth of the content to be taught; and Sequence is the order in which content is taught to optimize learning, to build on prior knowledge. 

Template The following table provides a preview of the course design map.

course map scope sequence alignment

Guidance The following table provides instructions for each section of the course design map.

course map guidance

Alignment Examples The following tables each provide an example of one unit of learning.

course map example 1

course map example 2

Scope and Sequence Example The following table provides an example of a sequence of units.

course map sequence of units

instructional design, backward planning, learning objectives, alignment, assessment, scope and sequence, blueprint 
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Learning Design and Technologies Team in Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Professional Programs