Kaltura/Canvas - Known Issue - "Browser Cookies Issue" Message - Enabling Third-Party Cookies [UW-Madison]

When accessing Kaltura media embedded in Canvas this error displays when using Safari and some other browsers: "Browser Cookies Issue" or "Access Denied". This message displays because your browser is configured to block third-party cookies. This document describes options to view the content.

Here's a screenshot of the error message when viewing Canvas course material with an embedded Kaltura video in a browser blocking third party cookies - like Safari and most browsers on iOS devices.

A screenshot showing the "Browser Cookies Issue" error message which displays in some browsers - especially Safari - when trying to view Kaltura content embedded in Canvas. It says "Your browser is blocking Kaltura content due to third-party cookie settings. Option 1: Use Firefox or Chrome on Windows or macOS. Option 2: Follow the Enabling third-party cookies document to change your browser settings. Option 3: A workaround for some browsers - not including Safari on most version of macOS or iOS: 1. Open this link to kaltura.com. 2. Tap the yellow got it message at the top right to accept the cookie. Close the tab. 3. Refresh or reload this page in your browser. If you're on mobile tap the URL bar and tap Go to reload the page.


This issue typically affects the following browsers:

  • Safari (Desktop - macOS) - Affects media embedded via Canvas's Kaltura integration, or Kaltura video quiz Assignments.
  • Safari (Mobile - iOS) - Affects media embedded via Canvas's Kaltura integration, or Kaltura video quiz Assignments.
  • Chrome (Mobile - iOS) - Affects media embedded via Canvas's Kaltura integration, or Kaltura video quiz Assignments.
  • Firefox (Mobile - iOS) - Affects media embedded via Canvas's Kaltura integration, or Kaltura video quiz Assignments.


See the workarounds below if you are using one of these browsers:

Option 1 - Use Chrome or Firefox on Windows or macOS

  • Generally we recommend users view the content in Windows or macOS with Chrome or Firefox. Even Chrome or Firefox can be configured to block third-party cookies, so if you're already using one of those browsers and see the error, see the links in option 2 for how to configure your browser to enable third-party cookies.
  • iOS users can use the Canvas Student app which launches embedded Kaltura media in a new window. The Canvas App with Kaltura video quiz Canvas assignments requires the student to click on the Submission tab of the Canvas assignment and click Launch External Tool to view the Kaltura video quiz.

Option 2 - Disable browser extensions such as ad-blockers

  • Disable or add a site exception for any ad-blocker or similar browser extensions.

Option 3 - Enable third-party cookies or cross-site tracking in your web browser

Users may wish to enable third-party cookies in their browser to view Kaltura content embedded in Canvas. This is because Kaltura needs to communicate with Canvas to verify who you are. Follow the instructions for your  browser:

Note: If you have installed an ad blocker on your browser, please disable this on pages that use Kaltura, as it may prevent cookies from working properly.

Option 4 - Follow the error message instructions

Follow the directions in the message to click or tap on the link provided to open a new window or tab to Kaltura. Then tap the yellow got it message at the top right to accept the cookie. This will load a Kaltura cookie. You can then close the new tab or window and reload the page with your Canvas course material with embedded Kaltura media content. This workaround does not work for all affected browser versions - for example more recent versions of Safari.

If you have trouble with these workarounds users can contact the DoIT Help Desk for assistance.

Why are third-party cookies required?

  • In this case, third party cookies are exchanged between Canvas and Kaltura for educational purposes only. No other third parties are involved. 
  • In short, Kaltura and Canvas use these cookies to identify who you are. 
  • For detailed information about which cookies are used and how long they exist, please refer to Kaltura’s List of Cookies Used in KMS and the Kaltura Player

Keywordskaltura, mediaspace, canvas, known, issue, bug, blocked, cookies, ios, browser, safari, party, session, firefox, chrome, ivq, assignment, access, denied,3rd, party, enable, browser, cookies, issue media   Doc ID77342
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2017-10-13 11:50:15Updated2023-12-20 14:39:27
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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