HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Form - Editing Title and Details (Admin) [UW-Madison]

This document describes how to edit basic details of a HelioCampus AC survey form, including title and description fields. You must be a HelioCampus AC administrator in order to edit survey forms.

Survey forms must be in Draft format in order to edit these fields. After a survey form is Published, you will have to create a new survey form in order to make edits. See HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Form - Creating a Survey Form (Admin) [UW-Madison].

Navigate to Survey Forms

  1. Log into HelioCampus AC with your NetID credentials.
  2. Select the Menu button (three stacked lines) on the left side of the page to open the HelioCampus AC main menu.
  3. Select Survey Form Designer under Surveys.
    HelioCampus AC menu with Survey Form Designer highlighted

Make the Desired Edits

  1. Navigate to the form you want to edit. Confirm that the survey form is in Draft status and select Manage.
  2. You will be brought to the Survey Form Manager page. Select Details from the left menu bar.
  3. On the Survey Form Settings page, you will be able to edit the title, description, instructions, and thank you text of your draft survey form.
    • Form Name: Edit this field to update the title of the survey. This name is only seen by you, the admin. Students and instructors see the Survey Schedule name.
    • Survey Type: You cannot edit this field. If you selected the wrong survey type when setting up your survey form, you will have to create a new form. See HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Form - Creating a Survey Form (Admin) [UW-Madison].
    • Description: This field can only be seen by HelioCampus AC administrators. Add a description that will help you remember the purpose of the survey and any special considerations. This field cannot be edited after the survey form
    • Instructions: Instructions will display on the survey form and will be visible to students and other survey participants.
    • Thank You Text: This text will display to students and other survey participants after the survey is completed.
  4. Use the blue Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

KeywordsAEFIS survey form details survey evaluation title description template   Doc ID80925
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2018-03-15 10:33:20Updated2024-06-19 16:09:09
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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