MS O365 - Request a Service Account

Extension employees may need to create an email account that can be managed by multiple users due to shared/changing roles. Extension employees will need to request that an account is created by contacting the DoIT Help Desk. The ticket they create will be reviewed by the Extension O365 Administrator. They will work with the requestor to create the service account.


  • O365 at UW-Madison has several different types of accounts available. See what accounts are available here.
  • Service accounts are O365 accounts that can be used for shared/changing roles (e.g. email account for a unit, team, or program).
  • Extension employees who would like to request a service account should follow these instructions (e.g. Operations Director would like a shared email address for their unit).


  1. Contact the DoIT Help Desk.
  2. Inform them that you are an Extension employee who would like to request an Extension service account.
  3. Provide them with the following information for the ticket that will be sent to the Extension Administrator:
    1. Brief justification for requesting the account and description of how it will be used;
    2. Proposed name for the service account;
    3. Your contact information;
    4. List of NetIDs for individuals who will be using the account;
  4. The Extension O365 Administrator will contact you with next steps for creating a service account.

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Nathaniel S. in Extension Handbook
Extension Handbook