Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-11-04

Minutes approved December 2, 2019

All Agenda Items

Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. with 136 voting members present (116 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Frank B. Baker (Faculty Document 2845) and Professor Emeritus Fred Madison (Faculty Document 2866),

Chancellor Blank welcomed everyone to the middle of the semester and remarked on the tragic story that was recently in the newspaper about the engineering student who’d taken his own life in 2016, after enduring hostile and intimidating behavior (HIB) in the lab. Chancellor Blank said that the administration is addressing HIB through various means, such as improving communications to inform everyone about the HIB policy and asking for instances -even small ones- to be reported up so patterns can be identified and addressed. She also commented on the announced retirement of UW System President Ray Cross; the conversation started between the Student Inclusion Coalition (SIC) and the Chief Diversity Officer and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs; the Hamel Music Center opening; key measures of student success, such as that the time to degree has fallen to a record 3.96 years, which is the result of various programs like advising, the expansion of summer term, as well as Bucky’s Tuition Promise and Badger Promise which provide tuition relief for low-income students. University Committee chair Terry Warfield asked everyone to take a moment to reflect on one sentence of the Our Shared Future plaque at each senate meeting. There was one question. The Faculty Senate Minutes 2019-10-07 were approved.

Professor Marah Curtis (School of Social Work), chair of the Committee on Women in the University (CWU) presented their combined Annual Reports for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 (Faculty Document 2847); CWU proposed to change their co-chair selection in Faculty Policies & Procedures (FPP) (Faculty Document 2848), which was seconded; the proposal was approved by voice vote. Professor Chris Barcelos (Gender & Women’s Studies) presented the Committee on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer People in the University Combined Annual Reports for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 (Faculty Document 2849). Professor Kreg Gruben (Kinesiology) presented the University Curriculum Committee Annual Report for 2018-2019. (Faculty Document 2850). Professor Tim Smeeding (La Follette School of Public Affairs) presented the University Lectures Committee Annual Report for 2018-2019 (Faculty Document 2851). Provost Karl Scholz presented the University Academic Planning Council Annual Report for 2018-2019 (Faculty Document 2852). There were no questions for any of the reports.

Professor Terry Warfield (University Committee, District 120) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2823 which proposed changes to FPP chapter 7 to specify support for joint appointments. Professor Ron Gangnon (Population Health Sciences, District 99) moved to substitute “tenure home” with “administrative home” in the text. The motion was seconded. After several spoke to the amendment, the motion passed by voice vote. The amended document was adopted by voice vote See the revised language incorporated into FPP Chapter 7. Professor Warfield moved adoption of a resolution endorsing 125 years of “sifting and winnowing”. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.  (Faculty Document 2853)

Chancellor Blank adjourned the meeting at 4:34 p.m.

Jane M. Richard

Interim Secretary of the Faculty

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