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Remote Desktop to Office Computer - Windows

Instructions to connect to an AAE Office computer via Remote Desktop.
Please note: If you are computer is not part of the WIRED Taylor Hall network, you will need to Setup/Connect Campus VPN BEFORE doing the steps below.
Please note: You can only Remote Desktop to a computer where you are a local administrator.
  1. Click on Start-->Programs-->Accessories-->Remote Desktop Connection
  2. Click on Options
  3. Note: This step only must be done the FIRST TIME you connect. Click on Local Resources
  4. Note: This step only must be done the FIRST TIME you connect. Click on More

    Connect to RDP
  5. Note: This step only must be done the FIRST TIME you connect. Put a check next to Drives
    select drives
  6. Note: This step only must be done the FIRST TIME you connect. Click on OK
  7. Note: This step only must be done the FIRST TIME you connect. Click on Options
  8. Type in your computer INCLUDING the at the end: Example:
  9. Click Connect
  10. Login using your Campus NetID and password. Make sure your username includes ""  Ex:

remote desktop;rdp;office computer 
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Eric D. in Agricultural & Applied Economics
Agricultural & Applied Economics