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General Student Services Fund Authorized Signer Form

Last Updated: 6/17/2022

The Authorized Signer Form and Statement of Agreement is a contract signed by Authorized Signers from General Student Services Funded organizations.

To be an Authorized Signer, one must complete Authorized Signer Training in it's entirety. We encourage you to review the Authorized Signer Responsibilities and Training to learn more.
After all signers are trained, The Authorized Signer Form and Statement of Agreement must be signed by all Authorized Signers and indicate two payroll approvers.
  • Any time a new Authorized Signer is added or an Authorized Signer leaves the organization, an entirely new form must be signed by all remaining or current Authorized Signers.
GSSF organizations are required to have two authorized signers at all times or their budgets can be frozen until two are designated.
Authorized Signer Forms should be submitted via the Authorized Signer Form Submission Link.

gssf, gsff, ggsf, gssf resources, resources, ssfc, sffc, finance, student organization, general student services fund, Authorized Signer, Training, Authorized Signer Form 
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Kelly K. in Associated Students of Madison
Associated Students of Madison