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General Student Services Fund Summer Employment

Last updated 12/16/2020
Eligibility for summer employment (beginning with the first day following the last payroll calendar day of the spring semester) extends to persons: 
who are enrolled during the summer
who were enrolled during the prior spring semester and are eligible to enroll to continue as a student in the fall semester 

Prospective students who have been accepted for the next semester are NOT eligible for student hourly employment until the first payroll calendar day of their first semester.  

Students cannot log hours during the summer unless they are allocated a summer salary.

Summer salaries can only be expensed if the students are local and in Madison.

Keywordsgssf, general student services fund, summer employment, summer employees   Doc ID107924
OwnerKelly K.GroupAssociated Students of Madison
Created2020-12-16 12:40:04Updated2020-12-16 12:40:13
SitesAssociated Students of Madison
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