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General Student Services Fund Terminating Employees

Last updated 12/16/2020

There are times where GSSF supervisors have to terminate employees.

Any time a student graduates or is no longer a student at UW-Madison, they must be terminated.
Any time a student is let go from your organization, they must be terminated.

To terminate an employee, you must fill out the Student Employee Information Form found on the ASM Student Employment Website.

We only need the below filled out on the form:
  • Employee’s first/last name and signature (BOX 1)
  • All of the payroll approver (“Supervisor”) section and signature (BOX 2)
This form should be emailed to the ASM payroll coordinator by the organization payroll supervisor through the supervisor’s student email.

Any forms sent from position-specific or organization specific emails will not be accepted.

Keywordsterminating employees, gssf, hiring, supervising, termination, firing, graduating   Doc ID107927
OwnerKelly K.GroupAssociated Students of Madison
Created2020-12-16 12:59:02Updated2023-02-28 10:37:49
SitesAssociated Students of Madison
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