Asset Reporting - What it is, What to do

Updated 11/30/2023.

This document tells you about the FORMER IT Asset Reporting Procedure.  

Current UWSA policy and procedure make each Unit responsible for reporting as requested by UWSA (see 1035 and 1035.A Policy and Standard links to the left).  

The repository database mentioned below is inactive, but this KB doc resource remains up for historic reference.  This document will be taken down December, 2024.


What it is


Being good stewards of our resources is knowing what computer assets are being used to access university IT services and data.  By maintaining an inventory, management and IT professionals can provide better support to ensure faculty and staff resources are operating and maintained.  This document identifies how to report assets.  This also helps with complying with university and UW-System IT policy. 

  • This page describes the specific asset reporting process at UW-Madison.  The process is required by the UW-Madison's Asset Reporting policy and UW System's IT Asset Management policy.  Asset information is gathered from software or CSV files and stored in a central repository at DoIT.  The inventory is transmitted to UW System annually.
  • While the UW System policy calls for detailed reporting, and the UW-Madison policy envisions a broad scope of reporting, that is not practical at this time with our current tools and staff resources.  Therefore, UW-Madison will focus on the asset data that can be retrieved from existing automated systems.
  • UW System Administration will review the data from UW-Madison and other campuses, and may suggest changes to increase the usefulness or accuracy of the inventory.
  • UW-Madison is required to provide the asset reporting data annually.  DoIT will coordinate data collection and reporting to UWSA.

Initial Implementation

To obtain the highest value and most efficient asset data, the initial implementation focuses on automation using common tools.

The target date for UW-Madison campus partners to submit records to the Asset Reporting repository is  March 1, 2022, in order to facilitate reporting to UW System Administration.  
If using the manual process with CSV submission below, the UW-Madison community should submit their assets before that date. 

What to do - Initial Implementation

Automated Input Methods
  • Database View Federation - Units or Divisions that have a database of their assets, or utilize an IT service management tool like Cherwell with a Configuration Management Database (CMDB), may federate their information into the Asset Reporting repository. Email for more information.
Other Input Method
  • Upload Your Asset Data - CSV Import
    1. Compile your Asset Data
      • Use the downloadable spreadsheet below to create a CSV file with your asset information. 
      • Mandatory fields are indicated below, or on each spreadsheet.  If the mandatory field is not populated, the asset will not be created in Alemba ASM, the UWSA repository.  
    2. Upload Your Asset Data
      1. Using the field layout below, create a CSV file, using the following Madison template:
      2. Fill out the form.
        • You may add rows, but not change columns. 
        • Please make sure your initial column is populated with values for each row (requirement for generating a key for importation).
        • Make sure to replace Rows 2, 3, and 4, populated with instructions, with your data.
        • Populate as many fields as you reasonably can.
        • Without a mandatory field entry, the asset record will NOT be created.
      3. Once you've formatted and populated your spreadsheet, save it as a CSV file. Name it in the following format; the CSV MUST be in this format to maintain integrity of data.  
        • HardwareAssetInventory-Madison-UDDS-UnitName-Year.csv 
          • UDDS - in this format only, Annxxxx, the UDDS of the unit that supports the asset.
          • UnitName - the name of the Unit (example:  DOIT-SEO-ITSM)
            • Example:  HardwareAssetInventory-Madison-A064078-DOIT-SEO-ITSM-2022.csv
      4. Contact to ask for access to the Asset Reporting Share. You will receive a confirmation email when your access is granted.
        • Asset Reporting and DBA will coordinate on creating an Input Job to the repository
        • The repository is not dynamic.  This is to manage input control.
      5. Mount the Asset Repository Share - smb:\\\asset-reporting
      6. Save your CSV file to the Share.  
        • Your data will be imported annually, at the end of the calendar year, for submission to UW System the following March 1st.
      7. If you have submitted your Inventory, but wish to change your records, please email
Note: UW-Madison notes that the required fields do not provide for identifying end of life for assets, and will propose a mechanism to do this in the future.
Review your Asset Data
You can request a report of your asset data by emailing .
Please provide your 
  1. Name
  2. Unit (Example:  A06, or DoIT)
  3. Contact Information (Email and Phone)
  4. Position (Within your Unit)
The request will be reviewed by the IT Asset Reporting Team.  If necessary, DoIT will reach out to the Risk Executive of the relevant Unit for more information, or may ask the Requestor for more information.  The Request will then be Approved or Rejected by a member of DoIT Management.
The scope of data provided will be limited to a Requestor's own Unit, unless they possess credentials or rights for additional access (example:  participation in a campus-wide project or audit).

CSV Import - Hardware Assets (Physical & Virtual) Template

 Required?  UWSA Asset Reporting Fields  Notes
X  Campus Identifier "MAD" for UW-Madison, per instructions
X  UDDS  The UDDS of the unit that supports the asset
 Asset Type Use one of the folllowing, per instructions:  Desktop workstation, Laptop, Tablet, Multi-function device, Printer, Scanner, Server, Network Appliance, Data Center IT asset
X  Asset Name Text field, the hostname or computer name
   Manufacturer Text field
   Model Text field
   OperatingSystem Text field, OS and Version or Release (Windows 2012R2, RedHat 7.1)
   IP Address Text field
   MAC Address Text field
   LastAudited Date field, Report Date


What Fields can be Populated by Automated Tools
The table below reflects the information being gathered by automated tools for the repository.

 Required?  UWSA Asset Reporting Fields  Qualys Fields   BigFix 
X  Campus Identifier    
X  UDDS  activationTitle  
 Asset Type    
X  Asset Name  name  Name
   Manufacturer  manufacturer  UW
   Model  model  UW
   OperatingSystem  operatingSystem  OS
    IP Address  address  IP Address
   MAC Address  macaddress  UW_MAC
   LastAudited  lastCheckedIn  LastReportTime

Field Mapping Asset Inventory Data Import 1035.A 1035 A management configuration cmdb uw madison network data import csv data share tl dr quick faq workspace one qualys bigfix big fix endpoint vulnerability 
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Owned by:
Victor P. in IT Asset Reporting
IT Asset Reporting