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Direct Detect IR Spectrophotometer

This document contains information about the Direct Detect IR Spectrophotometer, including its function, user manual, contact information, location, oversight plan, and training plan. The equipment on this page is typically available for all users in the UW–Madison Biochemistry Department to access for their research needs.

Direct Detect IR Spectrophotometer


EMD Millipore - Direct Detect™ Spectrometer C134681


Used to quantify proteins, lipids, peptides using IR absorbance properties.

Detailed Equipment Page managed by BIF


Darrell McCaslin (
Dan Stevens (


Room B1415, Hector F. DeLuca Biochemistry Labs (433 Babcock Dr)


After training by BIF staff the instrument is available for use on a fee-for-service basis. Access and maintenance are overseen by BIF staff.


BIF staff will train users. BIF staff will be in charge of developing a training protocol and SOP.

Keywordsbioc biochem biochemistry spectrum photometer emd millipore direct detect spectrometer quantify quantity quantification protein proteins lipid lipids peptide peptides absorbance absorb absorption absorbing absorbed   Doc ID129516
OwnerMark E.GroupBiochemistry Equipment
Created2023-07-05 14:20:32Updated2023-07-06 16:00:46
SitesCALS Biochemistry Equipment
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