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iBright CL1000

This document contains information about the iBright CL1000, including its function, user manual, contact information, location, oversight plan, and training plan. The equipment on this page is typically available for all users in the UW–Madison Biochemistry Department to access for their research needs.

iBright CL1000


Imaging system for protein gels by white light (Ponceau, silver, or Coomassie stains) or of Western blots by chemiluminescent signal (horseradish peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase substrates) and of nucleic acid gels with ethidium bromide or SYBR dye staining.


Dana Dahhan 


Room 203, Hector F. Deluca Biochemistry Labs (433 Babcock Dr)


ThermoFisher does semi-annual maintenance in coordination with Dana Dahhan.


Interested new users should contact Dana Dahhan ( for training or receive thorough training from an experienced user. All iBright users must be well-briefed on how to export and later delete their images from the machine. Crystal Peterson coordinates room access by keycard. All users must have received training.

User Manual

Keywordsbioc biochem biochemistry image imaging images system protein proteins gel gels white light ponceau silver coomassie stain stains western westerns blot blots chemiluminescent signal signals horseradish peroxidase alkaline phosphatase substrate substrates nucleic acid acids ethidium bromide sybr dye stain dyes staining stains stained thermo fisher thermofisher   Doc ID129526
OwnerMark E.GroupBiochemistry Equipment
Created2023-07-05 15:00:51Updated2023-07-06 16:00:46
SitesCALS Biochemistry Equipment
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