UW-Madison Box - Inviting Multiple Collaborators
Note: Inviting Google Groups, Microsoft 365 Groups, or WiscLists as collaborators on Box folders will not work. You must invite the group members individually.
If you want to add multiple users with the same access level to a folder, it is possible to enter a comma-separated list of email addresses directly into this field. If typed directly into this field, Box will try to predict the email address for a wisc.edu address that you may entering. If it is a wisc.edu address select the individual from the list that will appear below, if the email address an outside domain, please type the full address as pictured below:
If you paste in the list of comma separated list of addresses, they will be recognized and will appear in individual boxes that can be removed one-by-one. Note that this will occur for all email addresses, WiscMail or other, regardless of whether they are valid addresses.
Use the drop-down menu labeled Invite as Editor (this text will be different if you've changed the access level in the past) to change the access level of the collaborators you've entered. When you have entered everyone who should have access, click the Send button.