Local File access for XenApp on a Mac
When using Citrix, you can access your local hard drive to save files. This can be done by downloading Citrix Workspace, but does not work with the web client. Here is a guide on how to access files saved locally when using Citrix Workspace.
1. Make sure that Citrix Workspace is downloaded. (directions here: https://kb.wisc.edu/cae/page.php?id=34018).
5. To access/open files, click "File" on the top left, then "Open."
6. This should now bring up a Windows-style file browser. You should now see an icon for your computer's Hard drive. It should be listed as something like "Local Disk (C: on YourComputerName). Drive letter may be different depending on how your computer is set up. If you don't see your computers Hard Drive listed, please click on "This PC". DANGER: There is another Local Disc (C:), which we have "X'd" out in the screenshot. That is the drive on the XenApp server. DO NOT SAVE YOUR WORK THERE! It will most likely be lost forever if you do. We can't disable, rename or hide it and many students have lost their work by saving there.