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Module 2 - Getting going with Community Teams, Part I
Module 2 from Coaching Training Deck 6-oct-2015
In this module you will begin the process of creating community teams in Salesforce. Specifically, you will learn:
- How to create a community account
- How to create an organization account
- How to link organizations to a communities
Relationship Framework
Remember the 3 primary components of Salesforce for CHR&R Community Account Dane County, WI | <---> | Organization Account Public Health Madison & Dane County |
---> | Contact Person | <--- |
Step by Step Guide
Create a Community Account
- Search for community name in Salesforce
- If it doesn’t exist, create new Community Account
- Enter in required information: Place, State abbreviation
- Select “New Role” once Community has been created
- Assign a role for the Community
[four screenshots for the steps above]Notes about roles
- Users can add one new role or many using Save, or Save & New
- Conveniently allows entry of one role after another, without returning to the bank between creation of each record
- Roles are Active when created but can be deactivated when no longer applicable
Create an Organization Account
- Search for Organization name in Salesforce
- If it doesn’t exist, create new Organization Account
- Enter in required information: correct name, etc.
[two screenshots of creating an Organization account]Notes
- Be sure to select the proper record type for the type of Account you are creating
- The fields that are available for completion will be dependent on selecting the proper record type
- Pay attention to the fields that are required to save the record
- Fill out all the information you have available. More information makes the record useful to users in the system!
Link Organizations and Community
- First, within an organization, choose New Organization Community”
- Then, lookup the community in which the Organization is located. Click Save.
- If the community does not yet exist, you will need to create it before you can make this relationship.
- You can also link to the Organization from the Community record.
- This relationship is a special record known as a 'junction record'.
- A junction record allows many-to-many relationships. For example organizations can be within multiple communities and communities can contain multiple organizations
- We use junction records in many ways to build a complex network of relationships.